Security & Privacy

At Canna Seed Co. you can rest assured knowing that your privacy and sensitive data are protected by the highest level security standards
  • 256-Bit SSL Encrypted Data Protection
  • PCI DSS Certified Level 1 Secure Pay System
  • Secure Network Infrastructure
  • Strong Access Control Measures
  • Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program
  • Protected Payment Systems & Card Holder Data
  • Maintain an Information Security Program
  • Regularly Monitor and Test Networks
  • Never share or sell our customer data
  • Discreet Shipping Service on Orders
-Security policies, technologies, and ongoing maintenance programs ensure a protected payment system from breach or theft of card holder data
-Level 1 PCI DSS certification is the highest level of security certification
256-Bit SSL encryption protecting sensitive data between your computer and our servers
-All pages, content, credit card, and transaction information is protected by the same level of security used by banks